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All Questions (4924)

Hi,I am applying Read-only feature into my CKEditor-Classic to disable the editor because CKEditor does not support a built-in disabled feature.
Hello,I want to update the default duotone icon style to outline. How can I do it manually?
Hello,I am considering purchasing the "Metronic HTML template v8.2.3." However, I couldn't find detailed information regarding the contents included in this HTML version within the documentation.Product link :
Hello.I need help with building the responsive Datatable.I am assembling it according to the example in the documentation, but the error below occurs: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'state')This error occurs in this code snippet based...
I've identified a significant issue with the password reset functionality in our Laravel application. Despite the password reset email stating that the link expires in 60 minutes, users are still able to use the same link to reset their password after this period.This inconsistency poses a secur...
Hello,For several hours I have been trying unsuccessfully to implement Metronic on Firebase hosting. Has anyone managed to do this? Is this even possible? Locally, all Metronic works without a problem, and after uploading to Firebase hosting I have a blank screen -
VUEJS TemplateI am using KTDatable with:checkbox-enabled = "true" and getting data from the server sideResponse:[ { "id": 1, "name": "User 1", "checked": true }, { "id": 2, "name": "User 2", "checked": false }]How can check this row by default?
I have added the form repeater js, script and html but its not working
We have purchased and using react js metronics theme.Want to implement chat message functionality.I have found some default message helper file to show messages and send messages.How to implement it with a backend api server to receive and send messages with chat like application.Is it any socket im...
We are a software company, we have an inventory system, which contains a robust design, and we want to innovate the design with Metronic 8.2.3, regarding this each client has a compilation of the web project, in case of implementing this template, Will each client inherit the license, or must each c...
Hello there, When I purchase the Metronic theme, will I be able to freely develop projects using the Bootstrap HTML, VueJS, React, Angular, Asp.Net, Django & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template frameworks / development platform ? Can I get information on this matter? Additionally, for example, wher...
Hi,Im trying to use the syles from here (ex: font-weight-bolder, .navi), but they are not present in the demo1 template HTML downloaded from Themeforest.Is there any file other than the global ones that I need to import or they are different templates?Im trying to copy the style from the...
Helo, i'm using livewire 3, why dropdown not working on wire:navigate, it is a bug?help me please, thank you
Is Metronic deployable on Firebase? I tried and it's giving me errors when deploying. Even the local build isn't working.I made the necessary changes in code for deployment then ran this command. But doesn't seem to work, are there any changes to be done for firebase deployment?
Hi,I have Metronic from ThemeForest. I am searching for other questions similar to mine. Found this one tried to do the same using the Metronic's KTMenu docs, but its not working.I have the global CSS and JS configured. The B...
How can we download the template code for "Podcast" dashboard and for Vue?
i am building SAAS product using Metronic them.which Type license i should use. Regular or Extended.thanks,Vaibhav
When I click on option of ng-select, menu close too. How can I fixed this?
Hello, i need to change my ASIDE menu colors (using light theme).* Im using Laravel Theme and Light Theme.I need my aside menu background light, and i change it in my SCSS file (_variables.custom.scss) using variable = $app-sidebar-dark-bg-color, but the colors of the fonts and icon is light and...
Hi guys. I purchased Admin Rider and am trying to integrate it into my Angular solution. I'm having problems updating the Permission List using dynamic data loaded through *NgFor. Any ideas on how to do it?
Hello,I've recently bought Metronic latest version. I was using the older one before and it was super easy to customize it. Now, it won't work. I downloaded latest version of Html, demo1. I customize it via your online tool. I got the customized version of html files. I just replace it, but it g...