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Metronic (4063)

Hi, we started a project with Metronic 8 two years ago. The one who started the project has gone and we don't know exactly which version of Metronic 8 we have.Is there a way to know the actual version we are using?Thanks
Hello,Where can I find an exmaple for metronic 8 blockui and where its js files located in demo1?Thanks.
hi,we want switch from old laravel version to srarterkit, but have some issue:1 - config file of settings have conflict with other package like spatie/laravel-settings or anlutro/l4-settings, please change config name2 - can't find menu builder class. and menu hard-code in /resources/vie...
Hi,Is there any built-in functions/css styles in Metronic to create a page divided into two sections with a splitter/resizer that enables user to resize sections horizontally?
Hello, I have installed Laravel Demo 1 as i noticed the Laravel pack only has demo 1-9. But what i really want is the demo 14, can you guide me on how to go about creating the Demo 14 layout using the HTML partials from the layout builder.
I am receiving login URL not found after installation. It may be related to the error received during "npm run dev".ERROR in ./resources/assets/core/plugins/custom/typedjs/typedjs.js 3:15-47Module not found: Error: Package path ./lib/typed.js is not exported from package /var/www/html/metronic...
Hello,It seems the old bug resurfaced again in the latest update. Please check this on theme mode switched to dark, then logged out and logged in again, the theme is dark but the switcher shows light option selected. Som...
I am unable to make dark mode as default. I have tried adding data-bs-theme-mode="dark" to the html tag, however that doesn't seem to change anything. I have also set the defaultThemeMode = "dark". All instructions on page
Hello,I'm using DataTable server-side, but I have a problem like this, because the search, which is used as a standard, is removed, my search part does not work and it causes a big problem.
I just bought a license and installed the laravel one.I got all these files but i want to start from ''clean sheet'' with only the layout (side menu and navbar)Any way how i can do this instead of deleteding everything and then start building?
I am using KTSticky on card item in a sidebar. It works well in desktop version. It stands sticky even in mobile version. How can I manage it. I want to disable sticky in smaller size of screen.
Assalam o Alaikum , i make a signup page where one field is select UserType among Customer, Employee and partner and all users have different access. how i can redirect a user to different route. I want if user is Customer then his profile is different and if user is Employee then different and a...
Dear Metronic Team,I hope this message finds you well. We recently purchased the Metronic theme and have been experiencing some issues with the CKEditor and VISTimeline libraries in Dark Mode. These libraries do not seem to be compatible with Dark Mode, and as a result, the text appears white an...
When compiling by gulp metronics in demo 31, keenicons is not going to dist folder
Hello, I have the version of metronic 8.1.2 and I want to update it to the most recent one, how can I update the packages without damaging the views that I have created with version 8.1.2
Hello,I have tried to logout in my laravel starterkit fresh install and can't do this action.Also tried on keenthemes demo and again this error.That button not working.Here image that indicate button not working.
Hi There,Our company recently purchase themes with KeenThemes. Happy with the Themes!For initial setup and demo for POC on another project to be kick off, we are decided to use NodeJs.Our team found few errors when follow the instructions given setup for NodeJs. a.) Download NodeJs D...
I used the log/audit page example to create a new page and the datatable shows up fine, but I can not get the export buttons to show.public function html(): HtmlBuilder { return $this->builder() ->setTableId('users-table') ->columns($this->...
Can you please help in finding the calender component for metronic react demo1i see we have ccs file fullcalendar.scss , but i dont see any component for this.
I have added the page title tags on every componentMy Page Titlebut that's not working browser tab is showing default URL of the page.Where are the settings which need to change.
Hi team ,Horrizontal wizard and many other wizard which are available in metronic 8 react app are missing in ASP.NET Core version of the theme.