Get 2024 Templates Mega Bundle!14 Bootstrap, Vue & React Templates + 3 Vector Sets
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All Questions (4899)

I purchased a Metronic license from I downloaded the latest package and nearly everything redirects to purchase was for a lifetime license so how do I go about downloading all of the bundle ? My account is not recognized by keenthemes.Th...
When I follow this tutorial, I don't get the master.html file, what should I do ?
Hello, I am attempting to add a tree view using the Select2 plugin, and I have tried using the following plugin: this method works fine on a simple page, I am encountering an error...
I am looking for form layouts which were there in older versions. May I know where I can find these layouts in HTML?Thanks
I am getting such an error in datatable.Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'innerHTML')n = moment(e[5].innerHTML, "DD MMM YYYY, LT").format();
I want to use Chinese/Traditional as Yup default language?I found some modules about your theme support?
Hello, laravel project is up and running. And everything is fine.By default, demo1 is running. How can I port this to demo19 in the easiest way? Do I have to translate everything manually?
I followed the gulp tutorial for demo 10, but the index.html file is missing, I tried other examples and got the same situation, could someone help me ? Support Center Module: 1. FAQ: - You offer FAQ's, tickets, etc but I do not see the template where admin or users can create FAQ with text, video, images, etc? Can you please provide this link? 2. Tickets...
I am looking to use Metronic for a project of mine. I wanted to demo the message composer. I was going to use it to generate content on a dashboard. However when trying the demo it the page can not be found. Can any one from the team show me a link to a working demo of the message composer.
Hi!! when I try to use Dropzone with the Image Upload (data-kt-image-input), the image browser closes after choosing an image and it opens again.// Init dropzonevar myDropzone = new Dropzone("#avatar", {url: "assets/ajax/apps/contatos/uploadContatoPerfil.php", // Set the url for yo...
Hello! I'm trying to follow everything you show in your video "Your First Project - Metronic 8 Admin Template" but I dont have such file "master.php"Where can I get it? Maybe I can do my project without it?
i have downloaded the starter kit and it seems incomplete, only two widgets available for tables in the resources folder _widget-14.blade.php and _widget-16.blade.phpwhere i can find all other widgets examples for tables.
Hi, I want to make an inputmask for currency. I want to accomplish this Rp1.233.000. I use the code like this: Inputmask("decimal", { 'alias': 'decimal', 'groupSeparator': '.', 'autoGroup':...
We are using metronic themes in our application. We just run a test with OWASP tool and it identified " Vulnerable JS library " because of some of the scripts are outdated.Can we get the themes with updated script ?
Why is there no date range picker component in react similar to the one in HTML ? Now if I have to use any other date range picker then I am not able because the npm package itself is not being installed. Help me out here please !
I am trying to use select2 but the options menu opened on the side of my select (and not under it).* Don't know if it's related but I'm working on RTL version* It's happens in and out of model
I can visit site by yarn serveBut when I want to deploy it to a serve by yarn buildI got the errorUncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '
Hi keenthemes,Hope you doing well.We will be so gratefull if you can make this pricing table in the next update. know, I told you about, I'm really Sorry . Thank you soooooooooooo much guys,
Hey guys, Is there by any chance a discount for student. I only gonna use for personal use. But the price compared to our country is relatively high. Thanks!
Hi,We need to override the values in general.php from controller dynamically.we need to override page title, meta options and adding pixels script.Please guide me how to do that.Thanks
HiIs there any examples Metronic 8 Image Gallerylike this helpregards