Introducing CrudHunt:Open-source Full-stack CRUDs for Next.js by KeenThemes
Browse CrudHunt

Suggestions (135)

Hello!In react-router-dom v6 the recommended way of creating the routes is by using createbrowserrouter() instead of components. According to the documentat...
Here is the suggestion and also a request for Seven HTML Pro.This theme has an aside toggle button (which is great). What I need and suggests is that when you click on icon nav (aside primary) the close toggle should get open. I hope you understand my request.
Hi!I'm trying to integrate Silicon theme into Symfony using Webpack Encore. I am not clear how to proceed in this case. I have installed the necessary packages using yarn for example SmootScrolling, Parallax-js, Rellax, Jarallax etc. Is it necessary to import individual javascript componen...
Hello,would it be possible to set some background for input:autofill? Firefox sets #8D8A5D, which is ugly and also in dark mode the #92929F text is not visible.Thank you,Martin
403ForbiddenAccess to this resource on the server is denied!
Hi there,I have bought the theme and downloaded the Laravel_app version.But it doesn't have the Demo 35 that I wanted to use with Laravel 10.Is there any prebuilt Laravel app that is using Demo 35 which I can download?Or if you could provide me the instructions on how to convert Demo...
How to call a function after success on form repeater? I need to make a new instance of tagify on the element being created by the form repeater. $('#form_img_location').repeater({ initEmpty: false, defaultValues: { 'text-input': 'foo' },...
I downloaded version 8.1.7. In the package.json file, the "Package Json Upgrade" plugin detected many outdated packages.Please update to the latest packages possiblePlugin "Package Json Upgrade" can be downloaded link:
Hello!As Formik is not maintained anymore, it would be awesome to transition the form implementations to react-hook-forms.Also, for validation, zod has much better TypeScript support than yup. Having a great experience working with these two in my metronic projects, I can only recommend impl...
Hi there!Would you consider implementing the react demos using Vite?Best wishes,Tamas
When you print, it prints the whole page. Would be nice to have a helper class that lets you specify what to print on a you click print, it prints everything. In a real world situation, you would wan...
In menu.js on line 248"var target = document.querySelector('[data-kt-menu-target="# ' + the.element.getAttribute('id') + '"]');"It has a space after "#" in query selector. It occurs bugs
VM1503:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined at 4043 (:2:13168) at r (:2:306599) at 8048 (:2:9496) at r (:2:306599) at 8641 (:2:1379) at r (:2:306599) at :2:315627 at
http://localhost:3005/auth/ wanna ask a question. why there is other auth before "/" if try to fetch real api ?
value from database: {13/01/2023 7:45:48 pm}warning : The specified value "Sa/03/2023" does not conform to the required format, "yyyy-MM-dd"....
I was make a payment, but still is not processing.Why. Please I'm looking for help
Hi, Are you considering including purgecss as part of the build process on Vite and maybe other build tools? Metronic and Bootstrap are producing a massive amount of css, that would be nice to be able to purge if possible, as this will have great impact on Google Lighthouse scores. Thanks...
Hi, next is great example how implementing in vue, i think may help
Hi,With the latest update (v8.1.7) the react build was producing some warnings:(44185:3) autoprefixer: end value has mixed support, consider using flex-end insteadwebpack compiled with 2 warningsTo fix this, the following lines needed to be changed to use 'flex-end' in...
HI team, First of all ; thank you for the great work. Metronic is the best.Without surprise, I need more component / librairies on Vue templates, as Tiny sliders for example. scss is here, but no js or ts. Can you help me adding it ? Best regards
All in title, the duotune icons in the metronic 8 docs are broken into logical sections however they are all over the show within the section - so it is hard to find any icon you're looking for reliably. Please just sort the icons in the docs by name files/fil001, files/fil002 etc
Hi Metronic team,I love your templates and it would be nice if you could add a smarthome / IoT Dashboard.Features could be:- Weather and weather forecast- Traffic status- Trashdates- Room temperatures / humidity- Switch / Lamp controls- Energy measurement- etc.This dashboar...