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Metronic (4012)

It's stuck when i execute the command "gulp watch".```$ gulp watchUsing gulp config file: "../../gulp.config.js"[11:26:14] Using gulpfile D:\Venus\metronic_html_v8.1.8_demo39\tools\gulpfile.js[11:26:14] Starting 'watch'...```
Good day,I have a problem with running the flask program. When it runs the main page displays however, non of the links work, whenever I clicked them. What could be the problem? Thank you in advance for the help.
I am using the theme HTML, demo 5, Metronic 7.2.9 and implementing chat functionality.Due to a lot of messages, when the page is loaded, I need to scroll automatically to be positioned in the bottom - showing the last message. How can I get it?Thanks
Using multiselect static data it behaves normally, but as soon as the data becomes dynamic, then the entire content of the select becomes green, as if everything is selected.
hello i finish my code but the " always realod when i click on it without my code works please help me how can i remove the fking realod
I recently purchased the Metronic theme in Themeforest.Now we need to implement the File Manager feature but we cannot find it in the code. Please help
Hi, can you help me how to download react version?I cant download any version from your server.
How can we change the sidebar dark color ? I'm using Metronic 8.1.6 laravel starterkitinspecting the sidebar this is the color it has:[data-kt-app-layout=dark-sidebar] .app-sidebar { background-color: #1e1e2d; border-right: 0!important;}Where can i change it to another colo...
Hola, buenas tardes.Estoy tratando de descargar la demo de Laravel de Metronic pero no es posible debido a un error en la página que ocurre justo tras introducir mi "purchase key".Por favor, ¿qué puedo hacer para descargarla? Gracias de antemano.
I need to integrate this, but I can't because I don't know how to do the imports. Can you please translate this tutorial into English and correct any grammar and spelling mistakes? Here's the link: "";...
Hi,I'm plugging the HTML website into my Blazor WASM site and I'm almost there, but for some reason a call to new KTMenu is giving me an empty JS object rather than one with the properties of KTMenu, and as a result I'm not getting any menu items and JS error trying to call menuObject.On. I'm hopi...
I apologize for using a translator.I am writing to inquire about applying the Metronic theme to a Spring project With Kotlin.I have successfully followed the instructions in the provided link( and was able to run the dashboa...
I followed the steps highlighted in the docs, but am receiving an error as shown below:C:\django_demo1\starterkit\_keenthemes\tools>npm run build> keenthemes@1.0.0 build> webpack[webpack-cli] Failed to load 'C:\django_demo1\starterkit\_keenthemes\tools\webpack.config.js' config[webpack...
I purchased the metronic theme, and I can’t seem to find all of the content advertised. In fact, what I received in the download is a fraction of what was advertised. Im looking at the angular files. Can someone tell me how to access the files for the create a project modal wizard, the school da...
Hi all,I am currently facing the issue that the Bootstrap tooltips won't show up.I use```js$(document).ready(function () { // Init Metronic core components KTComponents.init();});```to initialize the components. That works fine for the other components.Unfortunately, the bo...
When you download Metronic, you get a particular demo source with the download. I am wanting to change colors and some minor details with say buttons and badges. I can make these changes, but I want to see the impact of those changes more in the way the Documentation lays out the items and less li...
Just bought Metronic on themeforest. Unable to bundle theme assets using npm run build --demo1.I got an error below.> keenthemes@1.0.0 build> webpack>> Building...>> Failed to compile!resolve 'countup.js/dist/countUp.withPolyfill.min.js' in 'C:\Users\YoungH\source\repos\Metronic\...
Hi, how do I change the toolbar with their respective breadcrumbs and actions for each page, as I see that this in a general way in the template. @include(config('settings.KT_THEME_LAYOUT_DIR').'/partials/header-layout/_toolba...
Hi, are 3 items in each group in the above example.If I have more than 6 items (>= 7) in a group, a nested scrollbar will appear whi...
Hello, where can I find metronic example of multi-select dropdown with checkbox, thanks.
I have the Metronic theme, I disassembled its HTML version and molded it into VUE component format, putting all the JS scripts in the main index.html file. Then I created a view with the HTML code and components for the menu, footer, and sidebar loading the rest and being called within that view. Pe...
I'm sure I followed the steps exactly as described above, but I'm having "404 (Not Found)" problems.GET http://[::1]:5173/resources/js/core/plugins/i18n net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) main.ts:8 GET http://[::1]:5173/resources/js/core/services/ApiService net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) main.ts...