I am attempting to change some of the theme colors by adding the following code to the _variables.custom.scss:
$theme-colors: (
"primary": #047cc4,
"secondary": #084365,
"link-hover-color": #014e7f,
line 54: --bs-link-hover-color: #014e7f;
line 114: --bs-link-hover-color: #056EE9;
We checked that the default $theme-colors is defined in _keenthemes/src/sass/components/_variables.scss as follows:
$theme-colors: (
"light": $light,
"primary": $primary,
"secondary": $secondary,
"success": $success,
"info": $info,
"warning": $warning,
"danger": $danger,
"dark": $dark
) !default;
$new-theme-colors: (
"light": $yourNewLightValue,
"primary": $yourNewPrimaryValue,
"secondary": $yourNewSecondaryValue,
"success": $success,
"info": $info,
"warning": $warning,
"danger": $danger,
"dark": $dark
Apologies for the delay. You can try directly adding !important to your custom variable definition in _variables.custom.scss. Here's how you can modify your code:
$theme-colors: (
"primary": #047cc4,
"secondary": #084365,
"link-hover-color": #014e7f !important,
I stated in my original question that I already tried that and it didn't work.