I downloaded the latest version of keen admin demos [1-9] (V3.0.7) and noticed the new structure of the build tools. The paths configured for gulp.config.js and webpack.config.js were not working correctly either.
In gulp.config.js I made the following changes:
dist: ["../dist/assets"], // changed the dist path to "../dist/assests" instead from "../assets/"
In Webpack.config.js, I made the following changes
const demoPath = rootPath; // I had to remove: "+ (demo ? '/' + demo : '')"";
const distPath = demoPath + '/dist'; // I had to add "+ '/dist'"
Was this a bug or am I missing anything?
Thank you very much Faizal.
Hi Harold Price,
We are currently working on release updates that will address these issues. The fixes will be included in the upcoming release.
Thank you for your patience.
Best regards,