I tried to integrate one of your HTML themes into my laravel 8 Jestream and Inertia Js project at the beginning everything works perfectly but when a user has just connected, once he arrives on his page, nothing works no button works the menu table no longer works. For everything to work, it must reload the page so everything is back to normal. in this case what should I do
If you solved this problem please help me, I also have the same problemð
Hi Silien,
Have you tried to remove @routes from "app.blade.php".
Hey man. Did you manage to use Laravel, Vue and Inertia JS? Could you please share how you did this?
Hi Silien,
Thank you, Eric, for the suggestion.
Please check the dev tools console log if there are any JS errors. Any JS error will cause any buttons to stop working.
Hi Silien,
I'm assuming the JS is not being loaded properly on the page. I don't know how you structured your blade files and assets ,but I'm assuming it is either missing or it is taking a long time for the assets to load.
I'd recommend using dev tools and looking in the console to see if there is any errors on the initial connection of the users.