Good afternoon, I have purchased the metronic template. There are much fewer pages in the laravel version than in HTML, how can I get them to their HTML quickly? Is there an option with full functionality from HTML to Laravel?Can I get a figma to this template?I am writing from the same mail from which I made the purchase on CodeCanyon.
With its streamlined and adaptable interface, it streamlines the development process for creating projects efficiently. Moreover to avail of the top-rated MBA personal statement writing assistance for completing tasks efficiently on time.
<pre lang="html"></pre><pre lang="scss"></pre><pre lang="php"></pre>
To bring the additional pages from the HTML version into the Laravel template, you'll need to manually migrate them. Here's a quick overview:
Copy HTML to Blade: Copy the HTML pages into Laravel’s resources/views directory and convert them into Blade templates (using @yield, @section, etc.).
Routing: Add routes in routes/web.php for each new page.
Assets: Ensure assets (CSS, JS) are linked using Laravel's asset() function.
As for the Figma design, Metronic doesn't officially provide a Figma version for the template, so you'd likely need to recreate the design in Figma if it's needed.
I faced it too when I was working for the project of pgce assignment writer agency.
If you've noticed fewer pages in the Laravel version of the Metronic template compared to the HTML version, you might consider integrating the missing HTML pages manually. For a streamlined process and to save time, you could utilize a professional service about for assistance. They can help you convert and integrate the necessary pages efficiently. Additionally, don't hesitate to reach out to the Metronic support team for specific guidance and best practices.
Please note that the Laravel version is a starter kit only and it comes with selected features that a refully implemented and connected to a database. Including all HTML features is not possible since it would take lots of time and afford. However, we will release new features for laravel in future updates.
You can copy & paste any HTML code from the Metronic Demo1's HTML templates and include the required plugin assets by referring to this guide
All the features shown in the HTML version are available for the Laravel starter kit.
The figma file is available in the Themeforest download zip package under design