I have installed the Vue / Laravel version on my PC and i cannot login. how do i disable the login or setup DB for login against the DB.
Thank you
If you want to disable authentication in the latest Metronic version, please follow steps below:
1) Remove sign-in page redirect from file /src/layout/Layout.vue.
if (!store.getters.isUserAuthenticated) {
router.push({ name: "sign-in" });
store.dispatch(Actions.VERIFY_AUTH, { api_token: JwtService.getToken() });
If you're using windows I'd recommend using MYSQL for your database you can reference documentation online to understand how to get this setup.
Once you've setup your MYSQL database you will need to run copy .env.example .env
in the terminal to create a .env file for your environment.
Inside of that .env file is where you will configure the connection to your database for your application.
Use the following to connect with your own credentials.
Once you've configured your database run
php artisan migrate