I need to know, where you have used them, the original JQuery/Javascript component that you have personalized in order to catch the particular events they raise in Blazor Server (.Net 6.0/7.0) and the data it carries .
For example, I see you declare a datepicker (<div data-kt-daterangepicker="true" data-kt-daterangepicker-opens="left" ... >
What is the "original" datepicker you have used? I know to get the StartDate and EndDate of the selected date.
Hi Davide,
We are using daterangepicker plugin. You can find examples of usage in our documentation. https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/forms/daterangepicker.
daterangepicker and other plugins are connected in file _keenthemes/tools/webpack/plugins/plugins.js.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team