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Hi Uzzal,
It should be done by default, all users will be redirected to the dashboard page after successful login.
You can change the default page in file src/views/crafted/authentication/basic-flow/SignIn.vue.
router.push({ name: "dashboard" });
I understand this. My question was:
If the user is already logged-in then how can I redirect user to "dashboard" if he tries to visit the "sign-in" page?
In current scenario:
If the user is logged-in, still able to visit "sign-in" page and type login credentials.
You can implement this in file src/components/page-layouts/Auth.vue
Inside the mounted function check if user is authenticated and if he is already authenticated you can redirect the user to a dashboard page.
onMounted(() => {
if (store.getters.isUserAuthenticated) {
router.push({ name: "dashboard" });
Isn’t it default behavior?
Yes, it is default behavior for all Vue demos.