I started VueJS to improve my personal learning. I'm trying to integrate demo37 into vuejs. I used tab on the homepage, but the user dropdown in the top menu does not work. There are no errors in the console.
I am using Laravel InertiaJS.
in summary Bootstrap bs- tags works but data-kt- tags dont work.
Hi Murat,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
data-kt- tags are our custom attributes used for our typescript components initialization.
Please make sure that you have included our ts components and you have initialized them, for component initialization example refer to file src/core/plugins/keenthemes.ts.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
keenthemes.ts is not exist on Demo37. I use Demo1 Vue keenthemes.ts but dropdowns dont work.
I implemented;
import { initializeComponents } from "@/core/plugins/keenthemes" in app.js and import { reinitializeComponents } from "@/core/plugins/keenthemes" in Layout.vue but its not work.
Hi Murat,
Is it issue related to one menu instance or to all menus?
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team