Hello together,
I'am a little bit confused. I currently trying to start a project with metronic and laravel.
I have found two different versions for laravel:
laravel_starterkit (you can download it here onder "Metronic Downloads)
laravel_starterkit, i think, is mentioned later in the changelog and was added with the newest version. But I am not 100% certain about it. I also find two docs about the two versions.
app: https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/laravel/documentation/getting-started/overview
starterkit: https://preview.keenthemes.com/laravel/metronic/docs/index
I am confused. It seems like some things in the starterkit are not working (register, password reset). Also the tests are not successfull.
Maybe somebody can help me out or can explain what the difference is.
The current laravel starter kit has laravel/breeze included. We have changed the auth layout with the Metronic layout.
We have 2 Laravel versions. laravel_app is the older one. laravel_starterkit will be the primary release in the future. We want to simplify it with more plain HTML template as a starter kit. The app functionality needs to be done and customized by the customer with their requirements.
We will check the issue in auth module (register, password reset) and fix it.
Hello Faizal,
Thank you very much for the prompt answer. So, I currently build a template for future projects with metronic. I would love to have an solution like https://github.com/laravel/breeze or https://github.com/laravel/jetstream with metronic. This way we could have always start new projects with an up-to-date core and clean metronic.
And I have found another problem:
It seems the formvalidation file (located at resources/_keenthmees/src/sass/vendors/plugins/_formvalidation.scss) gets not included.
Thank you for pointing it out. We will fix it.
Thank you