Since the latest update (8.1.2) the fonts, header and background is looking strange on demo2. It is the same on the preview site: https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/react/demo2
I would also like to use const {mode} = useThemeMode() hook on the AuthLayout to change the background based on theme mode but it is not updating.
Also when logging in with dark mode enabled, the menu shows Light mode is active.
Can you please let me know how to fix this issues asap?
Hey Carmelo,
Thanks for your reply. This is awesome, the Theme Mode is now working correctly!
The last bug from this list is the Font style. For some reason it got lost with this update (8.1.2) and it's still the same in 8.1.3.
May I ask if this change from:
font-family: Poppins,Helvetica,"sans-serif";
font-family: Inter, Helvetica, "sans-serif";
Yes, we intentionally changed the font to Inter globally. This font is more smooth and easier for reading in terms of the theme design and UX.
Great, thanks for letting me know.
Best wishes.
Hi Carmelo!
Thanks, I did all the steps but the issues I mentioned did not go away. You can simply check your production demo and see what all went wrong with the latest update.
1) The font styling is lost.
2) Please do the following: change from light to dark mode, log out, log in, and see the menu is showing Light is active. Then changing back to Light mode some components stay in dark mode. That is not right.
3) This could be related to 2). The const {mode} = useThemeMode() I would like to implement in AuthLayout component is simply not updating the value when I switch the mode. Only after refresh which is not desirable.
Could you please fix these so we have a working demo that we can build upon?
Thanks for your work!
Best wishes,
Could you please re-download the last version - you mentioned issue - was fixed in v8.1.3.
Keenthemes support
Pls, redownload demo2 and do the next steps:
1) demo2/src/_metronic/layout/components/header/Topbar.tsx
Update row 14: toolbarButtonHeightClass = 'btn-active-light-primary btn-custom w-30px h-30px w-md-40px h-md-40p',
2) demo2/src/_metronic/partials/layout/header-menus/HeaderNotificationsMenu.tsx
Update row 14: style={{backgroundImage: `url('${toAbsoluteUrl('/media/misc/menu-header-bg.jpg')}')`}}
3) demo2/src/_metronic/partials/layout/quick-links/QuicLinks.tsx
Update row 13: style={{backgroundImage: `url('${toAbsoluteUrl('/media/misc/menu-header-bg.jpg')}')`}}
4) demo2/src/_metronic/partials/layout/theme-mode/ThemeModeProvider.tsx
Uncomment row 67: themeModeSwitchHelper(_mode)
Keenthemes support
Thanks. Looking forward to the update.
Thank you for your message,
We will fix it during the next 2-3 days.
I will write an update here, on this ticket.
Keenthemes support