Please help me with this. Because of this iframe I can't interact with the UI. This is happening on react. Please let me know where it is coming from and what the issue is. Thank you.
<img src="https://cdn.asparksys.com/medias/1651127799509.png" />
Try to do next stepts:
1) in your yarn.lock
file find the react-scripts
and change the versions to the next:
"integrity" "sha512-8VAmEm/ZAwQzJ+GOMLbBsTdDKOpuZh7RPs0UymvBR2vRk4iZWCskjbFnxqjrzoIvlNNRZ3QJFx6/qDSi6zSnaQ=="
"resolved" "https://registry.npmjs.org/react-scripts/-/react-scripts-5.0.1.tgz"
"version" "5.0.1"
put the next row into the dependencies: "react-scripts": "5.0.1"
(without ^ symbol).node_modules
and reinstall the packages. It should help you.Hi,
Can you please provide more information as our templates do not use iframe.
Which template and version are you using ?
Metronic 8 React Demo 1
This usually happens on hot reload.
Can you please let us know, where you use iframe ? The original source does not contain any iframe.
I just found out it is because of react-scripts. It disables mouse events through an iframe overlay.
npm upgrade react-scripts solution didn't work!