Hello Team,
We have used vue-i18n plugin same as it is used in the menu to translate text but we are facing issues when the route changes and constants get loaded delayed.
Currently, our implementation is working fine but when we clear the cache and then shift to another page from one page at that time wherever we have used translate it displays the constant of the translate text, and then when it loaded fully then it shows the updated text.
Here's the sample implementation:
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n/index";
const { t } = useI18n();
//Set page breadcrumbs
const setBreadCrumbs = (total) => {
setCurrentPageBreadcrumbs(t("INK_LIST", { total: "("+total+")" }), [{ name: t("INK_LIST"), active: true }]);
Hi Priyank,
I wasn't able to open a video you provided due to access permissions. The code you attached looks fine and it should work, and it seems like it works synchronously. Could you please provide more info about your issue? If you are fetching your translation keys asynchronously, could you please attach this code as well?
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team