Is there a restriction for using tooltips in DataTables? I was testing random json data file with custom JS file which is custom.js. HTML rendered symbol for tooltips as needed but when I hover on blue symbols with first capital letters of name and surname tooltips not
Here is link for you to inspect: http://usubaliev.com/satis/
The issue is in the table with title 'Temin Tarihi Kritik Olan Talepler'
I was searching for tooltips on the web and found an example here: https://bryntum.com/products/grid/examples/celltooltip/
Is it possible to use metronics default tooltips for a symbols inside DT cells?
ps: mine is not working. You can inspect my test page from the link given above.
If you are dynamically loading/rendering your datatable rows you should initialize the tooltip for newly loaded rows:
var table = $("#example").DataTable();
table.on( "draw", function () {
} );
Thank you for your reply!
I added the code to my JS code for DT rendering. But tooltips did not initialized, somehow.
I updated link: http://usubaliev.com/satis/ You can test by hovering on name initials at datatable symbols35 at 'Talep Eden' column.
Also you can check JS code here: http://usubaliev.com/satis/assets/js/custom/custom.js
I have tested your page and tried to call KTComponents.init()
in the console and it worked fine:
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/TgCL1LS.png" class="w-100"/>
Can you please debug your code and make sure that KTComponents.init()
is executed after table init?
You were right! Thank you, it worked.
I pasted part "KTComponents.init();" from
table.on( "draw", function () {
} ); */
"initComplete": function () {
KTComponents.init(); //KT tooltips
it worked. I already has init. function
Have a good day!
Hi ,
Great! Glad to hear that. If you need any further clarifications please do let us know. All the best with your project