I've a react project and i want to add metronic layouts and i want to use metronic components.But i dont want to use metronic default project structure.Can i add only template and component to my project?
How can i implement metronic layout and component to my react project basicly
Sorry for the late reply.
You can use your own React project structure, just copy the needed components to your project and make sure to include our main mandatory style files.
import "./_metronic/assets/sass/style.react.scss"
import "./_metronic/assets/sass/style.scss"
import "./_metronic/assets/keenicons/duotone/style.css"
import "./_metronic/assets/keenicons/outline/style.css"
import "./_metronic/assets/keenicons/solid/style.css"
Actually i want to use redux toolkit can i add to your default structure and i cant pass login things.I dont want to use registartion and i delete registartion page /dashboard not opening.login button contionue loading..