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Switch between light and dark mode without reloading page with Angular template

Hi there, I need help:
I need to switch between light and dark mode on metronic angular template without refreshing the page, is there a way on doing that?

I've noticed that there is an injectable service that sets the mode on localStorage but afterwards it reloads the page. I need it to toggle without the dropdown also, only clicking on it.

I couldn't find any topics in the KeenThemes docs or forum.

Angular version: 14.0.0
Metronic template: demo1

Code snippet from the service:

public switchMode(_mode: ThemeModeType) {
if (localStorage) {
const updatedMode = _mode === "system" ? systemMode : _mode;
localStorage.setItem(themeModeLSKey, updatedMode);
localStorage.setItem(themeMenuModeLSKey, _mode);


import { Component, Input, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { ThemeModeService, ThemeModeType } from "./theme-mode.service";

selector: "app-theme-mode-switcher",
templateUrl: "./theme-mode-switcher.component.html",
export class ThemeModeSwitcherComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() toggleBtnClass: string = "";
@Input() toggleBtnIconClass: string = "svg-icon-2";
@Input() menuPlacement: string = "bottom-end";
@Input() menuTrigger: string = "{default: "click", lg: "click"}";
mode$: Observable<ThemeModeType>;
menuMode$: Observable<ThemeModeType>;

constructor(private modeService: ThemeModeService) {}

ngOnInit(): void {
this.mode$ = this.modeService.mode.asObservable();
this.menuMode$ = this.modeService.menuMode.asObservable();

switchMode(_mode: ThemeModeType): void {

Kind regards.

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Replies (2)

It's great that you found a solution! Thank you for sharing your code snippet. We'll consider adding it in future updates to improve the light/dark mode switching in the Metronic Angular template. If you have any more feedback or need further assistance, feel free to let us know!

UPDATE: I've managed to achieve the request by adding another const property inside the switchMode function inside the service that makes the calls to switch between modes:

Code snippet:

public switchMode(_mode: ThemeModeType) {
if (localStorage) {
const updatedMode = _mode === "system" ? systemMode : _mode;
localStorage.setItem(themeModeLSKey, updatedMode);
localStorage.setItem(themeMenuModeLSKey, updatedMode);
localStorage.setItem(themeModeValueKey, updatedMode); <--- THIS LINE ADDED; <--- THIS LINE ADDED
document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", updatedMode); <--- THIS LINE ADDED
ThemeModeComponent.init(); <--- THIS LINE ADDED

Support may close the thread, thanks in advance.

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  • <blockquote></blockquote> to quote somebody
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  • shocked  :|
  • sad  :(
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  • <code></code> for single line of code
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  • <ul><li></li></ul>  to make list
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  • <h3></h3> to make headings
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  • <img> to paste in an image
  • <blockquote></blockquote> to quote somebody
  • happy  :)
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  • sad  :(