So I might be doing something wrong or something is wrong with the file downloaded from EnVato.
Whenever I want to add a vendor... I get a 404 error message... going into the settings of a vendor, say Datatables I have a url say...
(glob.sync(`resources/mix/vendors/**/*.js`) || []).forEach(file => {
mix.scripts(require("./" + file), `public/assets/${file.replace("resources/mix/vendors/", "plugins/custom/")}`);
Sorry for the late reply. May I know if are you using our Laravel Starter Kit or implementing your own Laravel app?
If you are using Metronic's Laravel Starter Kit, please note that we are currently preparing the new Metronic v8.1.9 update with a new version of our Laravel Starter Kit that comes with the latest Metronic HTML templated integration, assets integration, and with auth and user management crud module. This update should be released by Tuesday or Wednesday of the new week.
You will get an email notification once Metronic has a new update so please stay tuned!