Has anyone worked with the Vue Rider template? I am looking to get some help understanding the structure and customizing it. Willing to pay for consulting hours if anyone is interested.
Here are some comments for the theme main folders:
âââ README.md
âââ package.json
âââ public
â âââ favicon.ico
â âââ index.html
â âââ media | folder with all theme icons and images
âââ src
â âââ App.vue
â âââ assets | theme core styles and ts components
â âââ components | all theme vue main components
â âââ core
â âââ layout | vue layout components
â âââ main.ts
â âââ router | vue-router folder
â âââ shims-vue.d.ts
â âââ store | vuex modules folder
â âââ views | theme demo pages
âââ tsconfig.json
âââ vue.config.js
If you have any questions regarding our file structure, you can ask them in this question.