i need to create Reorder for front end website menu
is metronic 7 has any template have same like jqueryui sortable?
like this one
Metronic 7 includes draggable and sortable UI components, but it doesn't have an exact replica of jQuery UI's Sortable out of the box. However, you can achieve similar functionality using Metronic's built-in Dragula.js or Sortable.js integration. These libraries allow smooth drag-and-drop reordering for frontend menus. If you need more advanced sorting, you can still integrate jQuery UI Sortable manually. Just like optimizing a workflow with a streamlined Carelogic login process, enhancing menu reordering improves user experience and efficiency.
Metronic 7 does not have such a feature but you can implement it on your own by including the Shopify draggable plugin as shown here.