User management Modal bug with z-index for modal-backdrop
backdrop shown above the moal itself
in this page for example if you click on Adduser
this screenshot for modal
after a while i realised that this issue. happened because of react Dev tools on Chrome
but i don't know Why !!
Hi Fathey Abdelslam,
Are you using the latest Metronic version?
React extension shouldn't influence z-index value, try to inspect modal in your browser and check which styles change a z-index of a backdrop.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Hi Fathey Abdelslam,
Thank you for your feedback.
Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce this issue in the latest Metronic version.
Have you modified anything in our codebase?
Also if there are any specific steps on how we can get the same result please let us know.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team