When trying to use the Tooltip element from react bootstrap, the following console.log error is given:
Popper: modifier "popoverArrowMargins" provided an invalid "fn" property, expected "function" but got "undefined"
I read that the latest update would fix it, but react-bootstrap-v5 doesn't update because of other locked dependencies. What would be the workaround this issue?
That has fixed the issue.
Thanks you!
This error appears since we are still using react-bootstrap-v5 dependency instead of using react-bootstrap, we will include a fix for this issue in the next release.
Now to fix this you can uninstall react-bootstrap-v5 and install react-bootstrap.
Open your command line in the demo folder and run the commands below:
npm uninstall react-bootstrap-v5
npm install react-bootstrap
import {Tooltip} from "react-bootstrap-v5"
import {Tooltip} from "react-bootstrap"