Hi. may i know how to make secondary automatically open whenever i click primary pane? i need to click arrow at bottom to active secondary pane. please fix it.
Hi Hassan,
We will check this and we will try to include a fix in the next release. If you want to enable the secondary panel when you click on the primary panel you can use the functions below for that.
const enableSecondarySidebar = () => {
document.body.setAttribute("data-kt-aside-minimize", "on");
const disableSecondarySidebar = () => {
class="aside-primary d-flex flex-column align-items-lg-center flex-row-auto"
temporary i make like this on script. just small bug at arrow to make it rotate left to right
const sidebarOpen = ref(true)
const enableSecondarySidebar = () => {
const disableSecondarySidebar = () => {
document.body.setAttribute("data-kt-aside-minimize", "on");
const toggleSecondarySidebar = () => {
if (sidebarOpen.value) {
} else {
sidebarOpen.value = !sidebarOpen.value
You can toggle the arrow state by adding and removing active
class to this button.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team