I've buy your Metronic based Blazor template.
I've see your Getting Started.
cd Starterkit/_keenthemes/tools
npm install
modify tools/package.json and remove "type": "module"
npm run build
but I've this error:
ERROR in js/scripts.bundle
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './webpack/scripts.js' in 'D:\zzzTmp\metronic_blazor_v8.1.8_demo1\blazor_demo1\Starterkit\_keenthemes\tools'
Then, I've copy scripts.demo1.js in scripts.js and do npm run build and seems ok.
I've run dotnet watch, I see the site but if click any items in menu, I see always dashboard.
Do you think that my problem is connect with error with npm run build ?
Or Is it correct copy scripts.demo1.js in scripts.js and I've others errors can to checked ?
Hi Rinaldo,
I am sorry to hear that you have faced webpack issue.
We have reproduced this error and it is related to our current webpack configuration, we will fix this issue in the next release.
For now, as a temporary solution, you can use our gulp task to bundle our assets.
For gulp task, you need to return "type": "module"
in package.json.
And then from the tools folder, you can run command below to bundle our assets.
gulp --demo1