I had purchased v8.0.34.
I'm going to use react template with ASP.NET web API as backend.
But I couldn't login because access_token.
How can I implement login?
How can I generate access_token at backend?
We aren't experts in ASP.NET and don't support users with backend integration.
Anyway, try to check the links below, buy be it will help you:
Thanks for your kindness.
As I know, It seems to use access token in Metronic theme , but it isn't actually.
I can see it from api request "verify_token".
Could you please let me know about that exactly if you are supporter or have experiences in Metronic?
Could you please re-write your question again, I really couldn't understand what do you mean by but it isn't actually?
Keenthemes support
Thanks for your kindness.
As I know, In AuthCRUD component, There is API request "getUserByToken", but no parameter.
As I know, I can get UserModel from this request by token.
Could you please let me know how to get user without parameter?
In the request, you can find the token in the Authorization header.Authorization: Bearer $2y$10$92IXUNpkjO0rOQ5byMi.Ye4oKoEa3Ro9llC/.og/at2.uheWG/igi
Keenthemes support