Hi There
I have downloaded version 8.0.38 and run a yarn install and yarn serve under vue demo1.
I get the default site but no index on left side and no authentication either.
I then tried changing app.vue to dark mode with following change
// Main demo style scss
//@import "assets/sass/plugins";
//@import "assets/sass/style";
// Dark mode demo style scss
@import "assets/sass/plugins.dark";
@import "assets/sass/style.dark";
but now get
There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.
This can lead to unexpected behavior when compiling on a filesystem with other case-semantic.
Use equal casing. Compare these module identifiers:
* asset/inline|data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns=%27http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%27 viewBox=%270 0 8 9%27 fill=%27%23FFFFFF%27%3e%3cpath fill-rule=%27evenodd%27 clip-rule=%27evenodd%27 d=%27M2.06463 4.42111C1.96161 4.22088 1.9809 3.9637 2.12863 3.78597L5.12847 0.177181C5.31402 -0.046034 5.63049 -0.060261 5.83532 0.145404C6.04015 0.351069 6.05578 0.698744 5.87023 0.921959L3.19406 4.14137L5.84414 7.06417C6.03896 7.27904 6.03835 7.62686 5.84278 7.84105C5.64721 8.05524 5.33073 8.05469 5.13591 7.83982L2.14806 4.54449C2.1141 4.50704 2.08629 4.46541 2.06463 4.42111Z%27/%3e%3c/svg%3e
Thank you for your feedback.
It is a bug and we will include fixing it in the upcoming Metronic release, now as a temporary solution, could you please update $gray-900 variable value in file core/components/_variables.scss.
if(isDarkMode(), #FFFFFF, #181C32) !default;
if(isDarkMode(), #ffffff, #181C32) !default;
Thank you for that fix.
Can you help with how I get the index on the left and the authentication? Your vue demo1 has all of this, my vue demo1 is blank on the left and has no authentication or logout?
Is there an option or route I am missing?
If you are using the latest Metronic version everything should be the same as it is shown on our preview page.
You can check our preview page here: