They were just purchased. Learning.
How do I install the 9.1.1 properly? I want to check out all the samples using React Tailwind and Laravel.
I can easily set up tailwind and React projects, but I need help figuring out how to incorporate this.
Is there a simple guide?
Thank you.
I found the Guide and went with Node.js. I did all the steps correctly, but in the end, my editor tossed a fit on a few of your files, and I can not compile w/the npm run build :
allowed-ip-addresses.ts is a major issue along with your instructions. They need to be updated but it says NEW on the site?
Thanks... hope this helps.
Metronic Tailwind 9 comes with a fully implemented React version. Please download the latest Metronic zip and refer to v9.1.1
The next.js version of Metronic 9 will be officially released soon. We are working on it.
This guide https://keenthemes.com/metronic/tailwind/docs/getting-started/integration/nextjs shows how to use the current HTML/JS version of Metronic 9 in the Nex.js project. However, this is not a generic next.js way.
Metronic Tailwind 9 includes a React version that is completely functional. Please go to v9.1.1 and get the most recent Metronic package.
Metronic 9's next.js version will be formally released shortly. We're working on it.
The current HTML/JS version of Metronic 9 can be used in the Nex.js project, as demonstrated in this guide: https://keenthemes.com/metronic/watermelon gametailwind/docs/getting-started/integration/nextjs
This isn't your typical next.js method, though.