They were just purchased. Learning.
How do I install the 9.1.1 properly? I want to check out all the samples using React Tailwind and Laravel.
I can easily set up tailwind and React projects, but I need help figuring out how to incorporate this.
Is there a simple guide?
Thank you.
I found the Guide and went with Node.js. I did all the steps correctly, but in the end, my editor tossed a fit on a few of your files, and I can not compile w/the npm run build :
allowed-ip-addresses.ts is a major issue along with your instructions. They need to be updated but it says NEW on the site?
Thanks... hope this helps.
Metronic Tailwind 9 comes with a fully implemented React version. Please download the latest Metronic zip and refer to v9.1.1
The next.js version of Metronic 9 will be officially released soon. We are working on it.
This guide https://keenthemes.com/metronic/tailwind/docs/getting-started/integration/nextjs shows how to use the current HTML/JS version of Metronic 9 in the Nex.js project. However, this is not a generic next.js way.