I have an issue with utilizing multiple scripts on one view. I have a view that contains a collapsible panel and form validation. I am trying to utilize the assets/js/scripts.bundle.js and the assets/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.js which I believe are what is needed to utilize collapsible panels and form validation. I am unable to include both scripts on the same page and get the collapsible panel to work. It does work however when just having assets/js/scripts.bundle.js on the view. Is there a known issue having both scripts on the same page? Also note. I have not been able to get the reference to scripts working utilizing KTTheme.AddJavascriptFile method. I am having to use the standard method
<script src="~/assets/js/scripts.bundle.js"></script>
I am using .NET Core 6.0 in Visual Studio.NET.
Hi David,
Could you please attach the code on how you are connecting the js file to your view?
By default, the two files below are already included in all views, so you do not need to load those two separately.