Try to check the documentation of CRA (our application is based on CRA) deployment.
It looks like you have the issues with 'homepage' settings: https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment/.
Keenthemes support
I was able to deploy it use the CRA deployment docs, but I was only able to see the loading logo.
I wasn't able to access the actual theme
Very difficult to help you with your case, cause it's the question isn't related to Metronic itself, it mostly related to DevOps and Netlify infrastructure.
Anyway, check the console.log, which errors do you see?
Also if you have domain name like you mentioned: https://metronics-demo.netlify.app/ (*it's returns 404) => you have to setup your homepage
param correctly.
Keenthemes support
Thank you for your reply.