I bought the theme and found some incompatibilities between the HTML and React templates and I wonder if these are bugs on purpose.
E.g. in the HTML variant https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo2/index.html?_ga=2.113315840.629434246.1650704264-516791475.1646857236 the toolbar menu unfolds when hovering, but in the React version (https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/react/demo2/dashboard) you have to click to the menu item op open it...
it's not consistent between the versions.
And I was hoping for a dark/light switcher in the React template as well but it seems missing?
Is it planned to be added?
Sorry for the late response.
The Dark/light switcher for React version is in the progress. As hover menu.
HTML and React versions aren't equal, they have different sets of functionality (React is behind). Also if the feature is based on jQuery it's not implemented in our SPA apps (React, Angular, Vue).
Keenthemes support