After your Workflow all looks good, the Login-Page starts and seems good, css was loaded but the demo-login still fail (also register and password-reset).
I think it must be the inclusion of the new Update (v8.1.9 - 10 July, 2023):
- Add new User authentication - login, register, reset password
Please tell me where i need to make changes
Please also check the Pre Requirements on your Metronic-Laravel-Website, for the Update they are not working!
Thanks for your great work, Uwe
Hi Uwe,
Thank you for reaching out to us. We apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing with the demo-login, register, and password reset functionality in Metronic Laravel v8.1.9.
You can find the controllers and views for the authentication functionality are in this locations:
Controllers: /starterkit/app/Http/Controllers/Auth
Views: /starterkit/resources/views/pages/auth