Tell me how to move the sidebar from demo5 to demo9. I tried it myself, but there is something missing to work in the demo9 template.
To make it clear which panel. Here is the link . I need to make a page as well, but only in demo9. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the advice, I changed everything and it worked. There is another question. How to make the navbar stick instead of the header when scrolling. Thank you in advance.
Could you please clarify your question? By default demo5's header and sidebar are already fixed and sticky.
I'm using the title and navigation bar from Demo9. And only the title is sticky there, and I need to make a navigation bar.
Can you provide us with a test link via private reply ?
Are you using Demo 9 as the main demo and the title and navigation bar from Demo 5?
Header and navigation bar from demo9. And all the content from demo5. I performed the substitution as you advised in the first message. - Header + navigation
Only the title is sticky, but I need to do the opposite.
Sorry for the late reply.
I would suggest you use Demo 5 as a base for your app and customize its header with the required components from the Demo 9 Header.
Moving the sidebar from Demo 5 to Demo 9 requires major changes in the layout code.
Can you check and let us know if this plan works for you?