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Metronic 8.2.1 Laravel demo1 login not working

I've downloaded metronic_laravel_v8.2.1, and after installing dependencies and setup database, login does not works.

I've followed the instructions at

Text formatting options
Here's a how to add some HTML formatting to your comment:
  • <pre></pre> for JS codes block
  • <pre lang="html"></pre> for HTML code block
  • <pre lang="scss"></pre> for SCSS code block
  • <pre lang="php"></pre> for PHP code block
  • <code></code> for single line of code
  • <strong></strong> to make things bold
  • <em></em> to emphasize
  • <ul><li></li></ul>  to make list
  • <ol><li></li></ol>  to make ordered list
  • <h3></h3> to make headings
  • <a></a> for links
  • <img> to paste in an image
  • <blockquote></blockquote> to quote somebody
  • happy  :)
  • shocked  :|
  • sad  :(

Replies (9)

You're welcome! If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask.

Hello Faizal

Metronic 8.2.1 Laravel demo1 login not working

I encountered some errors with Laravel version 8.2.1.
I would like to ask you to check and correct them so that the others can continue if they come across such errors. as I explain below.

1. error:
when I started with php artisan serve.
and start

in the storage folder: none exist
* framework
folders, but they have to exist.?
Your zip files don't exist either.

2. error:
if man with
npm run dev starts

after compiling:
1 WARNING in child compilations (Use 'stats.children: true' or '--stats-children' for more details)
webpack compiled with 1 warning
Notifications are disabled
Reason: DisabledForUser Please make sure that the app id is set correctly.
Command Line: D:\Code\starterkit\node_modules\node-notifier\vendor\snoreToast\snoretoast-x64.exe -appID "Laravel Mix" -pipeName \\.\pipe\notifierPipe-7ba20ee1-c881-47cb-af86-ea1cc14640e6 -p D:\Code\starterkit\node_modules\laravel-mix\icons\laravel.png -m "Warning: !!D:\Code\starterkit\node_modules\css-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1 ].rules[5].use[1]!D:\Code\starterkit\node_modules\postcss-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[5].use[2]!D:\ Code\starterkit\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[5].use[3]!D:\Code\starterkit\resources\_keenthemes\src\sass\style.scss
Warning: Warning

(47943:3) autoprefixer: start value has mixed support, consider using flex-start instead" -t "Laravel Mix"

You cannot log in, no matter which user email you enter.

There must be an error during compilation because I copied the original asset folder into the public folder.

Can you log in again?

I ask you to check and correct these points

Now it works for me.

Best regards



We apologize for the inconvenience you're facing. To address the issue, please try redownloading the project from the following link:

Additionally, rebuild the assets by running the following commands in your terminal:

npm install
npm run dev

This step may resolve any potential JavaScript errors in the browser. After completing these steps, attempt to log in again using the credentials "" and "demo."

If the issue persists or if you encounter any further difficulties, please let us know.

It's done. Thank you!

If this is your first time working on the project, you can attempt to reset the database and populate it with seed data for testing purposes. To do this, run the following command:

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Within the database seeder located at `database/seeders/UsersSeeder.php`, you'll find some user accounts that can be used for testing. For example, you can log in with the credentials:

- Email: ``
- Password: `demo`

If you encounter any issues or if the login is still not functioning as expected, I recommend checking the Laravel log for any potential errors. You can access the log at `/storage/logs/laravel.log`. This log may contain valuable information related to login errors.

I have followed all the instructions related to the installation, including the seeder part. There is no document in /storage/logs/laravel.log yet, and I haven't received any errors. However, when I enter "" and try to log in with the username "" and password "demo," I am redirected back to the login page.
As a result, the URL I receive is ""


Have you set up the .env file? Make sure to copy the .env.example file to create a new .env file and then fill in the appropriate database information in the .env file. After that, make sure to run the database migration command to create the necessary tables for the application to work properly.


Hello, Yes I did but it still doesn't work.

same issue here, anyone that could help us ?

Text formatting options
Here's a how to add some HTML formatting to your comment:
  • <pre></pre> for JS codes block
  • <pre lang="html"></pre> for HTML code block
  • <pre lang="scss"></pre> for SCSS code block
  • <pre lang="php"></pre> for PHP code block
  • <code></code> for single line of code
  • <strong></strong> to make things bold
  • <em></em> to emphasize
  • <ul><li></li></ul>  to make list
  • <ol><li></li></ol>  to make ordered list
  • <h3></h3> to make headings
  • <a></a> for links
  • <img> to paste in an image
  • <blockquote></blockquote> to quote somebody
  • happy  :)
  • shocked  :|
  • sad  :(
Text formatting options
Here's a how to add some HTML formatting to your comment:
  • <pre></pre> for JS codes block
  • <pre lang="html"></pre> for HTML code block
  • <pre lang="scss"></pre> for SCSS code block
  • <pre lang="php"></pre> for PHP code block
  • <code></code> for single line of code
  • <strong></strong> to make things bold
  • <em></em> to emphasize
  • <ul><li></li></ul>  to make list
  • <ol><li></li></ol>  to make ordered list
  • <h3></h3> to make headings
  • <a></a> for links
  • <img> to paste in an image
  • <blockquote></blockquote> to quote somebody
  • happy  :)
  • shocked  :|
  • sad  :(