i am a web pragrammer at erciyes university. i bought metronic 8.0.37 but i dont use the metronic theme and javascript file with Asp.Net Mvc Core. I saw all tutorial but i dont understand how use javascript file and layout Please help me.
Hi Lauris,
i dressed all css and i got metronic view 8.0.37 bu i dont use javascript file attriubtes. For example i dont use popup partial view and advanced datatable properties and others.
my only problem i want to metronic 8.0.37 javascript file but i dont.
please help me.
You should have all metronic javascript files in folder _keenthemes/src/js folder.
Bundled files will be output to wwwroot folder.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
In asp.net we have some files which are loaded globally and some files which are loaded depending on page view.
For example to load your js file only on auth pages you can include it in the file Starterkit/Views/Layout/Auth.cshtml with the code below:
Layout = KTTheme.getView("DefaultLightSidebar.cshtml");