HI all,
I`d like to hear from Vue, TS masters how to send post request with api service.
Below example work fine but I've changed post method in apiservice
params: AxiosRequestConfig
params: any
setup() {
const params = { // just for testing - this goes from form
SalesRepresentativeId: [189],
Start: "2022-04-21",
End: "2022-04-21",
var transactions = reactive({});
onMounted(() => {
ApiService.post("api/dev/transactions", params)
.then(({ data }) => {
transactions = data;
.catch(({ response }) => {
return {
Thank you Lauris.
This helped me.
table data counter: {{ tableData.length }} <!-- this shows 13 -->
let tableData = ref([{}]);
If you did everything correctly then the table should render all your data.
Do you have any errors in your browser console?
Great Lauris, it would be nice to have this hiding functionality.
Regarding api I've changed apiservice post method - the original way lead me to change my backend.
Can you please check my code? Backend is sending me [{acronym, documentNo, dueDate, others},{...}]
So below example dirty code show only fixed data. Is it that the backed gives me more fields than in fixed data?
setup() {
const tableHeader = ref([
key: "checkbox",
sortable: false,
name: "Acronym",
key: "acronym",
sortable: true,
name: "Document",
key: "documentNo",
sortable: true,
name: "Date",
key: "dueDate",
sortable: true,
name: "Actions",
key: "actions",
let tableData = ref([
acronym: "John Doe",
documentNo: "wz-400",
dueDate: "2022-02-02",
acronym: "Miami Vice",
documentNo: "wz-44/sp/00",
dueDate: "2022-02-01",
onMounted(() => {
setCurrentPageBreadcrumbs("Transaction list", ["sub", "subSub"]);
const params = {
SalesRepresentativeId: [189, 315],
Start: "2022-04-21",
End: "2022-04-21",
function getTransactions(): void {
ApiService.mypost("api/dev/transactions", params)
.then(({ data }) => {
tableData = data;
.catch(({ response }) => {
console.log("API Request went wrong.");
return {
If your API returns more fields than you defined in your header configuration then these fields will be ignored.
Also instead of reassign a variable
tableData = data;
tableData.value.splice(0, tableData.value.length, ... data);
Hi Lauris.
Thanks for your reply.
Two things to make vue devs happy:
1. Ability to hiding cols on mobile
2. Can I disable pagination?
Also I’ll try to find some other table components in the net. Do you know some?
1) Yes you can send a request by updating a post method params type, an alternative solution is to wrap your data with params property.
const params = {
params: {
// your data here