Im having trouble with vue version of metronic 8, I need to activate a menu link dynamically into the code, I was trying to do so with Menucomponent.ts but I can't find into the public api some method to activate the menu item.
Please can you help me, can you illustrate me with one example?
Thx a lot
ok lauris we have done it on every page load, and now it works, thx
Glad to hear that. All the best with your project!
Hi lauris
We are using menu component, that uses router-link elements but what we need is to active some menu item when something happens into the app, it is possible to access to the router-link through typescript?
Hi there
Thank you, but how can we activate the menu-link dynamically? using typescript code.
What we need is to activate the link when something happens into our app.
We achieve this through typescript adding the class active to the menu-link, but when the user clicks on another menu-item, the old item (previously activated through typescript) remains active, It seems like we need to do something more than adding the class "active"
Thx again
Do you use a router-link component or plain HTML <a> link?
If you want to achieve this through typescript you need to update every menu item every time page has been changed.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Hi Lorenzo,
If you are using our header or aside menu then it should be implemented by default.
Check out our preview page:
For active menu items, we are adding an active class to our menu. You can specify this class using a router-link active-class property.
your page route