Hi, I'm using metronic vue version 8.1.1
In demo1, the example code to open modal:
class="btn btn-primary"
<span class="svg-icon svg-icon-2">
<inline-svg src="media/icons/duotune/arrows/arr075.svg" />
Add Customer
You can achieve a lazy load of the modal component using Vue defineAsyncComponent function.
import { defineAsyncComponent } from "vue"
const AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent(() =>
Hi Reply No,
what is your purpose of your expeced behaviour? Modal is not visible until you open it.
Then you can push some data to it...
1. what is your purpose of your expeced behaviour => I want to lazy load modal, pass data when I open modal
2. Modal is not visible until you open it
I have used onMounted() in AddCustomerModal component.
onMounted(() => {
Instead of doing your logic in the onMounted function, you can move it to bootstrap modal show event.
onMounted(() => {
const myModal = document.getElementById("kt_modal_add_customer");
myModal?.addEventListener("shown.bs.modal", function () {
console.log("modal shown");
Can anyone help me please