Hi there,
I have just downloaded and setup Metronic Laravel app variant with Demo1.
Followed the quick start guide for starterkit.
However, there seems to be missing pages on the sidebar as compared to the preview version that had loads of pages and options to utilize.
I am currently looking at Metronic sidebar with Dashboard, Account, System, Documentation, and Changelog.
May I know how to get the full version of the Laravel app as in the Demo 1 preview with Authentication, Corporate, Social, Blog and etc?
Thank you.
Hi Isaac,
The Demo 1 preview version you mentioned is actually the HTML version of Metronic, which has more pages and options compared to the Laravel App. However, you can still use the HTML components and templates in the Laravel version by copying the necessary files from the HTML version.
You can manually add the missing pages by copying the necessary components of HTML and templates from the HTML version into your Laravel project.
Most of the components and styles from the HTML App are already included in the Laravel starterkit. However, some pages may not be present in the Laravel version. You can copy the HTML code from the corresponding pages in the HTML version and adapt it to the Laravel blade file. Also, keep in mind that Laravel uses Blade templating engine, so you will need to adjust the HTML code accordingly.