I have tried to logout in my laravel starterkit fresh install and can't do this action.
Also tried on keenthemes demo and again this error.
That button not working.
Here image that indicate button not working.
Hi John,
You can download the latest version of Laravel from our website at https://devs.keenthemes.com/metronic/laravel. We have included the necessary fix in this version.
Hi John,
I apologize for the inconvenience, but it seems like there are still some missing features that we need to update. In the meantime, here is a workaround that you can try:
1. Copy the contents of the file from this URL: https://gist.github.com/KeenthemesHub/b763755828ad294b9db9a3cc2d7f206a
2. Create a new file in the directory "starterkit/resources/mix/common/" and name it "button-ajax.js".
3. Edit the file "starterkit/resources/mix/scripts.js" and add the file path for "button-ajax.js" to the array. It should look like this:
module.exports = [
I have tried your solution, but now only refresh page and not log out.
We can find this update already for download or need to wait until next update?
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. It seems to be a bug and we are currently working on a fix for it. In the meantime, please try the following workaround by replacing the existing button.
<a class="button-ajax menu-link px-5" href="#" data-action="{{ route("logout") }}" data-method="post" data-csrf="{{ csrf_token() }}" data-reload="true">
{{ __("Sign Out") }}
It's not working.
Redirect me to "#", and not logout.