When I apply an inline css code to an svg as stated in the documentation it gets overridden.
for example :
theme()->getSvgIcon("demo1/media/icons/duotune/finance/fin010.svg", "svg-icon-success svg-icon-2 svg-icon-success"),
Hi Kenneth,
It seems there is some issue with the core Metronic SASS. We have noted this issue. We will check and fix it.
Hi Kenneth,
It seems the class didn't work in the HTML version as well.
<img src="https://i.ibb.co/B3SkTDf/image.png" alt="image" border="0">
We will check it and provide you a workaround if any.
Hi Kenneth,
I don't know what version you are using ,but maybe the page-speed package is the issue for you.
The package comes with an inlineCSS middleware that can sometimes cause issues. I recommend commenting out \RenatoMarinho\LaravelPageSpeed\Middleware\InlineCss::class,
in app/http/kernel.php if it exist.
using latest version 8.0.38
Inline css is working. What is not working is that it is not DOMINATING OVER the template rules.
Here is the link to explain what im saying.
Do you mean adding a custom class?
Hey, no I mean I used svg-icon-success and it didn’t work because it was overridden by the default color set with the demo.
I even tried twice and it still doesnt work. I need to add the !important property but then my inline is pointless. or calling the color bootstrap presets.