Please help me to use mail templates of Metronic in Lavarel. Currently laravel is sending standard mails.
Hi David,
To use email templates in Laravel, you can use Laravel's built-in mail functionality along with Laravel's Blade templating engine. If you want to integrate Metronic's email templates into Laravel, you need to customize the default Laravel email templates to use Metronic styles and layouts.
Create Blade templates for your emails inside the resources/views/emails directory using Metronic email template from the HTML version. For example, you can create welcome.blade.php.
In your Laravel config/mail.php, set the markdown option to point to the new email layout template:
// config/mail.php
"markdown" => [
"theme" => "",
// For example, in a UserRegistered notification class
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new MailMessage)
->subject("Welcome to our application")
Hello, I have tried the solution you propose but it gives me this error: View [] not found.