Hello, I have Metronic setup correctly and I see this css style in \components\helpers\_text.scss:
i {
&[class*=" fonticon-"],
&[class*=" fa-"],
&[class*=" la-"] {
line-height: 1;
font-size: 1rem;
color: var(--kt-text-muted);
that I would like to override without touching the original file.
I need to reset the font-size to inherit from parent.
If I place my updated css in the _variables.custom.scss I see my custom class appearing on top of the style.bundle.css.
So my question is where do I put custom css to override the default style.bundle.css?
Thank you,
Are you using CSS or SASS ?
https://devs.keenthemes.com/question/icon-tunnel rush-component-usage-react-version
Are you using CSS or SASS ?
If you are using CSS, To override the default css with your custom one, please include your custom CSS after style.bundle.css
in the HTML.