How to input currency on input box?
Example: input value ‘45234.34’ I want to format value to ’45,234.34’
I have to read all document about ‘Metronic 8’ and ‘RobinHerbots Inputmask’
But I can’t see and when I try with example on git of Inputmask is not working with metronic
Thank you.
Figuring out how to format currency in input boxes can get frustrating, especially when you're trying to make the user experience smooth and error-free. It's all about keeping things intuitive while ensuring accurate data entry. I’ve seen platforms handle this brilliantly, especially those dealing with financial transactions where precision is key. Speaking of which, if you're ever diving into platforms like this, having resources like the gofundme phone number handy can be a lifesaver for quick support. How do you usually approach currency formatting? Any favorite tricks or libraries to recommend?
Sorry, but this has force currency min and max length,
i want to free style of currency length and convert 2 digits
like currency on
We do not have such current format examples that we can share.
The examples you shown are based on the Inputmask plugin so you can implement the currency format you need by referring to the plugin's official documentation:
Hi Saranw,
Please refer to Input Mask Metronic Integration and Inputmask Official Docs.
// Currency
Inputmask("€ 999.999.999,99", {
"numericInput": true