I see the aside menu has 2 themes, dark and light, but it's not applied:
* Set the aside theme
* @returns {string}
export const asideTheme = computed(() => {
return useConfigStore().getLayoutConfig("aside.theme");
How and where can I use this?
No problem. But I'm not talking about the theme mode. I'm talking about aside.theme
in src/layouts/default-layout/config/DefaultLayoutConfig.ts
I'm using demo-8 in vue and want to make the aside menu light.
This function is leftover from demo1, currently, demo8 doesn't support aside theme mode.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
I want to apologize for the late reply.
You can either toggle theme mode from the mode select dropdown in the right corner to the header or change the theme mode the theme configuration file src/layouts/default-layout/config/DefaultLayoutConfig.ts the property general.mode
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team