Hello how are you?
I've tried everything to implement the search fields and the export button in a dataTables. But I can't, I've been trying to insert it on the same page for weeks (search filter, date filter, export button)
I would like to pay someone to do it for me, how do I do that? There's someone who can implement it for me and I'll pay!
I already requested a personalized service and they replied that I should open the ticket here on the platform. I mean, it didn't solve anything.
I need someone to make a datatables page with filters and export button.
I'm willing to pay someone for this, but I'm in a bit of a hurry
Please note that here our support covers the theme bugs and gives basic directions on how to use it.
Our Datatable solutions provide a starter solution with the design and frontend UI part and the complete implementation is the responsibility of buyers based on which backend language and framework they need.
If you need a developer's help please try to post your project at https://www.fiverr.com/ and you can get lots of offers from devs with various cost offerings.
Hi Rafael,
Could you please specify which product and which version are you using?
To order a custom development you can fill out a form on the "Hire Us" page:
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team