I am using KTDataTable in 8.0.0 version and it seems to be working good.
When I download the latest version 8.1.1 and set up that in my project. I am getting errors like below
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@/components/kt-datatable/KTDataTable.vue' in '/proprint/src/components/customers/cards/overview'<pre>
When I debug the code what I found
The file name of your orignal KtDataTable is KTDatatable.vue
When I opened this file 'frontend/src/components/customers/cards/overview/Invoices.vue'
the imported Ktdatatble file name is different like below and now it's giving me errorimport Datatable from "@/components/kt-datatable/KTDataTable.vue";
Can you please check how can I solve this issue?
Hi Vinay,
We refactored a KTDatatable, now you can import datatable components from "@/components/kt-datatable/KTDataTable.vue".
Also, usage has been changed, you can refer to usage examples in our doc: