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from RTL to LTL and vice versa using Angular

Dear Sir
I found that we don’t have any RTL in Angular even Admin Demo1 also does not contain
So can you please help us in the Angular to locate that and commands / jquery that will do RTL LTR
Appreciated ur help please
Thanks a lot
you may contact me on
Skype =

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Replies (15)

Hi Johar,

I've got what is the problem, I attached the wrong link (to the DARK mode actually, not for the RTL, missed all context then), sorry about that.

I've created the gist for the RTL (checked in the Angular Demo1): It should help you.

Keenthemes support

Thanks let us try this and hopefully it will work for us

Can u also guide me for the normal C# how to manage this please in the Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5 please

Hi Johar,

Please notice that our latest Metronic 8 version works on Bootstrap 5.

In your project, you can reuse all js and CSS files from our HTML version.

To enable RTL mode in our theme you can follow the steps in our RTL version doc.

Many thanks and in the Angular this does not apply you think and in the Angular when we will have 100% working with us kindly advice

Can you please tell me about your tech stack?

Do you want to use Angular with ASP.NET

our old bootstrap 4 has above 500 pages
and our new bootstrap 5we are going to use ASP.Net Core with Angular
So can you please help me on this Bootstrap 5 please
Highly appreciated

Unfortunately, we haven't tried an ASP.NET with our Angular version yet, we will consider this in upcoming releases. If you are importing our sass files in the angular version then you can follow the steps in a gist file mentioned above in a comment.

It did worked only for the RTL but when we want to switch between RTL and LTR it is not working using this gist file which u have suggested kindly can you advice how to manage that please


Right now in the current system to switch between RTL and LTR dynamically, you have to wrap all RTL and LTR styles with some class and then update this class depending on your current direction state.

(just import concrete CSS file)
Which Concrete CSS file and what CSS file has to do the JS of the RTL and LTR
import also give us the way how we will do
Infect my Question has raised one important element into the support to place such things into the documentations so other can be benefitted
Kindly answer in detail with the steps to do and their respective files to be taken from which directory of our source code

Placing my given solution into the backlog means u dont have solution now right than why ur saying import concrete CSS File etc

Hi Johar,

Each technology has its own set of functionalities and is done/supported by different teams.
The Angular team decided to do it without any command (just import concrete CSS file), cause supporting extra webpack configuration means installing a lot of extra 3d-party libraries which is no need for 99% of users. And it makes sense for us.

The Angular team has a big backlog of improvements. During each release, they improve and extend the functionality. Will add your request to the backlog also.

Keenthemes support


Have you checked the doc for it? Should help you.

Keenthemes support

here is only dark and normal theme application but where is the command or JS to make RTL / LTL thru CSS in html and in Angular it has its own way right so that is what is missing for us where other all the theme I have checked they clearly define this commands for the each technology stack why u have not done this homework
finally we have decided to shift from the KeenTheme to others just because of the lack of the such information with you or rather I would say u dont have this feature

Why support is not answering where is RTL / LTR commands and pages that switches from one to another
Appreciated Answer

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